Updated February 17, 2020.
Between my consulting work, my mentoring work, and my website, my life can get pretty hectic, so I needed the best monthly budget planner as soon as possible. I had to find a way to keep everything together, find time for my relationship, and make sure I hit every deadline I either made for my self or my boss created. I’m pretty sure everyone can relate to how hectic life gets. Things begin to pile on the older I get it. The problem was I had an Outlook calendar, a Google calendar, and notes scribbled everywhere to try to keep me organized, but they were all separate.
I had to look at every calendar to find time for my self. It was just annoying and super inefficient. I was able to sync all the timelines together to get some peace eventually, but I still didn’t like using the virtual schedules. Plus I wanted a calendar to keep my life goals on track and to put to use all of the money saving tips I’ve learned. I tried to find the perfect agenda planner organization tool.
Off I went looking for the best monthly budget planner, personal planner, calendar, and productivity planner all in one. I wanted not only to review how my finance organization skills were progressing, but I also wanted to have set goals to achieve for the month. There were so many options, but all the ones I found that were perfect were a little pricey. So I created my own set of daily and monthly vision planners that included budgeting money!

Planner Inspiration: Why Should You Use A Planner?
A planner is a way to prioritize your tasks and dreams. They also assist with keeping you on track to meet your goals. Your goals are only dreams until you write them down and create actionable steps to meet them. There are so many different kinds of agenda planner organization tools to choose from. I have listed just a few below:
- Day Planner
- Calendar
- Productivity Planner
- Personal Planner
- Monthly Planner
- Bill Payment Tracker
- Debt Payment Tracker
- Monthly Family Budget Planner
- Vision and Goal Productive Planner
Those are just a few I thought of off the top of my head. My dilemma was I wanted most of them all in one. Having the best budget planner organization tool helps with budgeting because it keeps track of payments, due dates, and goals to pay off the debt. Following a personal organizer planner will also help contain your stress levels because you can open it and see your whole week and month all at once and see the days you are open to working on your self or maybe getting some extra studying done. Perhaps you need help staying on track daily. Planners are there to pick up the slack when you have too much going on in your life.
The Finance Fairy Monthly Budget Planners
I honestly love planners, and that’s why I built my own! They would be perfect for every female entrepreneur or businesswoman out there, and I am all for helping you all as much as I can. Monthly Budget Planners are my life in all honesty. There are multiple types of planners available for you, depending on your needs. You can choose from the following so far:
- Meal and Fitness Tracker/Planner (Launches soon)
- Monthly Budget Planner
- Daily Planner
- Dream Log and Journal
- Teacher Weekly Planners
- Creative Writing Planners
The monthly budget planner has pages to assist with goal setting using the S.M.A.R.T. method. I have created specific pages to categorize certain aspects of your life so that you can set goals for each category as well. For example, Fitness, Work, School, and Relationships, to name a few. You couldn’t ask for more from an agenda planner organization tool.

A Break Down Of The Pages
The monthly vision pages are my absolute favorite. You create the goals you have for that aspect of your life and build the steps on your monthly breakdown pages. The yearly goal setting is pretty amazing as well because you can set goals at bird’s eye view for the year and use your monthly goals to help you obtain the yearly goals. The bucket list for the year is fun because you can list things you’d love to do and start adding them to each month. This way, you add more fun to your year and keep your self accountable for doing those things.
The day planners, which are separate from the best monthly budget planners, help to ensure your organized and prepared for the day with water consumption counters, places for notes, and things you are grateful for. They help keep planning and organizing your life fun.
Budgeting Tips: Things You Can Add To Your Productivity Planner
You also can buy all kinds of stickers for your planner on Amazon or Etsy to keep your budgeting light-hearted. Some stickers are geared for teachers, fitness enthusiasts, and food lovers to list a few. The labels add more color and keep you motivated to continue using the planner. If you have a girls night, you can place the sticker for girls night instead of writing it. You can put leg day stickers or core day stickers to keep your gym training on track. The best part is a woman creates these planners for women! Umm, Yes, please!

Summary Of Why The Finance Fairy Planners Are Amazing
Keeping your self on track and creating goals is crucial to building a successful life, financial or otherwise. Even if you choose not to use my planners, do your self a favor a get any planner or create one your self: I promise you will stay on track and meet your goals way sooner than planned. You can even start planning the dates you want individual credit cards or student loans paid off on your planner. These planners are available in paperback
Consider planners as journals for all of your life’s activities: the great thing about staying consistent with your journaling and/or your planning is being able to go back and look through your archives. Often, just seeing my own progress and how far I’ve come is motivating enough for me to keep working toward all of my next goals, and I wish the same for you, my friends.
The Finance Fairy
I don’t know what I’d do without my planner!
Seriously! My planner is my life. I definitely would not get half the things I get done without it.
I love my planner! If I don’t have it by my side, I have no idea what I’m doing!
I would be lost for sure!